Junior Term Time Coaching Programme
Our regular Term Time Tennis Coaching programme is mainly paid via a monthly direct debit. Sign up here:
Note: Payment will be set to £0, we will set this amount as applicable once you sign up. You will receive a confirmation e-mail of the amount.
If you would like to join the programme without using Direct Debit, please get in touch with us for the 12 week advanced payment option of £198.
Direct Debit Payment
Primal Health Tennis Academy Ltd uses platform SmartDebit Ltd to process direct debits for our term time programme. Direct debits can be set up on any date with all payments taken on the 20th of the month. This is payment in advance for the next month.
Example: Payment on 20th March, is for the month of April.
Lesson Weeks
There will be 39 weekday lessons and 42 weekend lessons scheduled per 12 months.
Cancellations :
As there are no spare weeks any cancelled sessions will be refunded against the next Direct Debit payment, at a rate of £14.75 per session. You will automatically be notified of the cancellation and DD change.
Note: Sessions are considered cancelled if less than 60 minutes of on-court activity can be delivered out of the 90min session.
Cancelled sessions are at the sole discretion of the coach on the basis of Health and Safety and the ability to deliver a worthwhile session.
We collect a Direct Debit over 12 months.
Lessons are still worked out on the same basis, £14.75 per 90min class. So with 39 weekday and 42 weekend lessons a year, averaged out over 12 equal payment months the total is now:
Weekday: £52 per month
Weekend: £57 per month.
Notice Period
Our notice period is one month.
The cut-off date for giving your notice to leave is 15th of a month. Any notice given after this will be instructed for the following month.
eg. Notice Given 14th March, last day on the programme is 31st April
Notice given on 15th March, last day on the programme is 31st May.
Initial Payment
Your first direct debit payment includes your first and last months payment upfront. This means that if you choose to leave the programme, you will not pay again (unless notice is given between 15th-20th of a month).
The amount of this payment depends upon the date you start, and the number of lessons in that particular month. Therefore your first payment can be more or less than 2 equal months. We will contact you to explain the exact breakdown when you sign up.
Our code of conduct for our players, parents and coaches can be found on our website.
Players or parents who breach this base expectation of behaviour may be asked to leave with or without a refund for pre-paid sessions. This is always taken as a last resort but PH Tennis Ltd reserves the right to cancel anyones booking at any time if the player or parent breaches or has previously breached our code of conduct.
Individual Coaching
1-1 Lessons can be booked as one-offs, blocks of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.
Unless confirmed in advance and in writing, all lessons must be on the same day/time for 4 in a row.
Client Cancellations:
If you wish to postpone a pre-booked lessons, we must receive an e-mail by 11am the day before. (5pm on Saturday for Monday)
Weather Cancellations:
We may cancel sessions due to inclement weather. An extra date will be added onto the end of the current block in this case.
N.B: The decision to cancel a session due to weather conditions is the coaches.
Refunds are generally not permitted; but may be at the discretion of PH Tennis Ltd.
Coach Replacement:
In the event of your coach not being able to do the lesson players will be given an option to have a different coach to replace them for the lesson.
Adult Group Coaching
Sessions can be paid as one-offs, blocks of 6 or monthly direct debit.
The Initial Taster can be used once only. If this session is cancelled, the booking will be automatically moved to the next available class.
This is for one session, and can only be booked one week at a time for the next available class. If this session is cancelled, the booking will be automatically moved to the next available class.
Block of Six:
The 6 lessons must be done in 6 consecutive weeks. If any of these sessions are cancelled, the booking will be automatically moved onto the next available week.
Direct Debit:
Our Adult Direct Debit payment plan is for 45 scheduled lessons over the course of a calendar year.
Any sessions cancelled by PH Tennis will not be refunded as standard. In exceptional circumstances refunds may be issued.
Any player who has an active Adult Direct Debit can book any equivalent sessions for £1.
These can be used as replacement (make up) sessions or additional sessions.
The availability of alternative sessions is subject to group spaces and availability.
The absence of equivalent sessions does not affect your rights to any refunds or credit.
Payment can be made online, in store or in cash/card at a session direct to the coach.